* Mages: Reduced pushback on all non-healing Mage spells.
* Mages: Increased the base damage on all damaging Mage abilities.
push backの弱体化と、ダメージの底上げが全般的に行われるらしい。push backの弱体化はどうなのかなぁ。clrに対して詠唱中断とかできなくなるのはちょっといただけない気がするが、ダメージの底上げがあるならいいのかな。
* Increased the amount of Armor on Cloth items.
* Intensify Elements: No longer on the global cooldown.
ちなみに global cooldownってのは何かと云うと、ZAMから引用。
Global cooldown is a game mechanic that applies a standard cooldown between casting of spells. Most spells use the global Cool down. Each calling has a seperate cooldown time.
* Warrior: 1.2 Seconds
* Cleric: 1 Second
* Rogue: 0.5 Seconds
* Mage: 1 Second
つまりは、global cooldownから除かれるって云ってもmageは元々1secだから、これはあまりにも不遇で萌えてしまう。Intensify Elementsはbranch最上位のspellなのだから、cooldownの短縮か、効果延長を要求したいところだ。まぁ、elementalistへの全力振りは素人にはお勧めできないということなのだろうな。プロのマゾゲーマー向けです。
気を取り直してsub soulを見てみよう。
* Static Discharge: No longer on global cooldown.
* Static Flux: Will no longer be overwritten by weaker buffs.
* Cloudburst: Increased damage.
* Icy Vortex - New Ability: Reduces damage done to the Mage by 25% for 10 seconds and applies Hypothermia to attacking enemies, reducing their movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds. Obtained at 6 points.
* Due to the below changes, characters with points spent in Pyromancer have received a free soul point respec.
* Heat Wave: Reduced cooldown to 2 minutes.
* Inferno: Removed from global cooldown.
* Improved Grounding: Now a tier 2 branch ability.
* Improved Smoldering Power: Now a tier 3 branch ability.
* Ground of Power: Now obtained at 6 points.
* Smoldering Power: Now obtained at 8 points.
* Burning Shield - New Ability: Consumes the mage's Ground spell to shield them in flames, absorbing damage. Lasts up to 30 seconds. While Burning Shield is active, the next Ground spell is instant-cast. Obtained at 6 points.
ポイントを全く振っていないので恩恵も全くないようだが、全般的にあんまり魅力はないな。fire damage強化よりもair damage強化の方がDPS底上げになるelementalistには関係ない話だったようだ。