Jedi ConsularはJCでJedi KnightはJKになるようです。JKさいこーとかJCでひゃっほいとか書いていると思わぬところから検索される気がしていますがまぁいいや。
コメント (134)
投稿者: ひっきー | 2012年01月05日 06:13
日時: 2012年01月05日 06:13
JK人気です。SWと云えばJedi Knightですからねぇ。
Sith Inqも人気なようです。
投稿者: yota | 2012年01月05日 10:57
日時: 2012年01月05日 10:57
“a shift to the 7 pack + organic and away from Pli/ascOrgenac mix?” As Matt McGee has pointed out there has been no discernible rhyme or reason as to which shows when and there is an increasing
投稿者: Lucka | 2016年12月04日 17:51
日時: 2016年12月04日 17:51
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投稿者: insurance cars for sale denver | 2016年12月05日 19:54
日時: 2016年12月05日 19:54
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投稿者: car insurance westpac | 2016年12月05日 20:57
日時: 2016年12月05日 20:57
Are you having sex at 4am? Drink some coffee or just have sex at a earlier time. Or maybe you need to try some new stuff to make it more exciting…
投稿者: car insurance skoda yeti | 2016年12月06日 01:15
日時: 2016年12月06日 01:15
26/04/2012 at 6:48 amThanks for your write-up. I also feel that laptop computers have gotten more and more popular right now, and now in many cases are the only type of computer utilized in a household. It is because at the same time that they’re becoming more and more reasonably priced, their working power keeps growing to the point where they can be as effective as desktop out of just a few years back. Log in to Reply
投稿者: cheap auto insurance | 2016年12月06日 09:02
日時: 2016年12月06日 09:02
Hey Amy – I think it’s okay to eat in most places in India as long as it looks clean and the food is prepared fresh. I’ve rarely had a problem in my 10 visits to this country but this time, I felt obliged to eat something that had clearly gone bad. Not a brilliant move on my part
投稿者: pioneer insurance | 2016年12月06日 09:16
日時: 2016年12月06日 09:16
If you don’t like theory then you don’t have to, but as jazzers, the substitution potential and options are what is fun to us. To me at least. Without theory, you can’t hit the fun in jazz. That’s how I feel anyways.
投稿者: dps score car insurance | 2016年12月06日 09:28
日時: 2016年12月06日 09:28
La Puntata di questa sera è stata davvero ben strutturata e modellata su misura a questo stupendo animale; specialmente ha destato, almeno in me, il bisogno di combattere contro queste atrocità …. non possiamo restare indifferenti a questo scempio … dobbiamo essere noi a decidere le sorti del mondo … uniamoci e intanto firmiamo la petizione …
投稿者: no credit check auto | 2016年12月06日 13:30
日時: 2016年12月06日 13:30
Raised good point about trump getting a court to see if he is elligible first. How about someone petitioniong a court for an ex-parte declatory judgement on what Constitutionally constitutes a “natural born” citizen leaving obama out of the equation?After the decision has been handed down, THEN apply it to obama, the work is already done and the matter cannot be preempted by the stalling actions we have seen so far.
投稿者: car & bike insurance on the same policy | 2016年12月06日 20:39
日時: 2016年12月06日 20:39
I’d like to take this challenge. I have a dozen ideas for stories just bouncing around in my head, and I’ve started writing most of them. I’m almost finished with one, but this month I’d like to revise a little children’s story I wrote when I was ten, and make it better and cuter.
投稿者: scotia home and auto insurance | 2016年12月06日 20:58
日時: 2016年12月06日 20:58
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日時: 2016年12月07日 06:11
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投稿者: cheapest auto insurance | 2016年12月07日 08:47
日時: 2016年12月07日 08:47
Hey amiga!!! I like the dress but… I think the top is SO YOU!! So colorful and free flowing- which is my choice for you. You’ll generate a splash in either. I really like the Limited but haven’t shopped there in a very while- many thanks to the reminder. Hugs!!
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日時: 2016年12月07日 13:09
Ogień miłości Bożej zamienia się w ogień palący, gdy istota stworzona odrzuca dobroć Boga i dąży do jej przeciwieńswta. Piekło jest miejscem bez Boga w sensie że nie ma tam ani krzty jego dobroci. Ta sama woda święcona która osobom dręczonym przez złe duchy daje ukojenie i rześkość – dla upadłych duchów jest niemal jak kwas palący ich ciała. Sami sobie wybrali odwrotność tego co dobre.
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日時: 2016年12月07日 16:52
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日時: 2016年12月08日 02:11
Haha! I love that. *peeks through hole at you*I’ve been thinking of you LOTS. Missing you. I hope you’re managing to push through your rewrite – I’m sorry I didn’t send you those notes… Is it too late?HUGS!!!
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日時: 2016年12月08日 19:26
I could this system the first time on Dr. Mehmet Oz’s Tv program recommendation , and it’s definitely helping me. At this time I’m eating mostly salads with real blue cheese or oil & vinegar dressing, more fresh vegetables like celery, radishes, green beans, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower (sometimes in alfredo sauce!), avocadoes, tomatoes, freshly squeezed lemon juice, liver organ like steak, turkey, chicken, ham, salmon, shrimp, cream inside my coffee, eggs plenty of ways including egg salad made out of real mayonnaise, omelets, even bacon occasionally.
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日時: 2016年12月09日 00:55
Mais vous êtes àcoté de la plaque…!!! Vous ne savez pas la chance que vous avez que Cavalli collabore avec H&M, petites veinardes, en Italie je ne connais pas de H&M dans un rayon de 120 kms, pour ne pas dire plus. Il fait des fringues géniales, avec des coupes et des effets originaux…du style comme personne!!! Perso, j’ai très peu de fringues de lui (prix oblige) mais les rares pièces j’adooooooooooore.Au contraire, Babillages : achète un max de trucs et mets les en vente sur Ebay: je suis preneuse.Bisous
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日時: 2016年12月09日 09:34
I can easily see why it got bought. I think with the right actors and script it could be beautiful and funny. This book reminded me a lot of the movie 50/50. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (love him) did an excellent job in it. But I’m eager to see the movie version. It’s such a great story.
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I love the letter to God idea – love it. Thank you for sharing – that took a lot of confidence & guts right there! Cheers to you & thank you for the awesome idea – I will be journaling tonight!
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日時: 2016年12月10日 14:09
Cyril: ce sont actuellement les propriétaires occupant qui sont favorisés: il ne payent pas d’impôt sur le loyer (fictif) qu’ils se versent à eux même.Indirectement les locataires payent un impôt relativement élevé (jusqu’à 40 % de leur loyer est prélevé sous forme d’impôt sur le revenu de leur bailleur).
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in Facebook that one of the shots (with the 70-200, only heads and green) eas made in an “uninspiring location”… But there was a Golf course, right? I’m sure there are GOOD reasons why you said that, that’s what I’d like to know!! Thanks!!!
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日時: 2016年12月10日 20:55
RE: – Yes, I’m sure Section 8 is the one area where the government actually does a good job handing out money. /sarcBTW, how many of those 20 tenants who were women with children voluntarily quit the program when they had a boyfriend move in with them? That’s another Section 8 violation I’m personally aware of.And you’re right the program is hard to get into. Ridiculously hard. I think they only open it up every one or two years. If they were better at screening, it wouldn’t be so hard to get into. – Rate this comment: 0 0
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日時: 2016年12月11日 11:49
, I absolutely loved the show and especially your QAG class. There were “normal” quilts if you were looking for them. I especially loved the quilts made by the youngsters. Now, those I could do.Thanks for a great class and I look forward to more!Natalie
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日時: 2016年12月11日 16:57
Neilocka,I love that your MOM is commenting on your blog. How cute is that? The most fun sports team I got to be a part of was in graduate school–there was a graduate school volleyball league. I played for, of course, the English Department. It was the first, and only, time in my life that I’ve been a star–and I suck at volleyball.
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Jeg mÃ¥ give den kommende Dr. Hartvig ret; Plathedsfaktoren (p) er umÃ¥deligt lav (asymptotisk gÃ¥ende mod 0 for tiden t gÃ¥ende mod uendelig, eller p -> 0+, t -> inf).X i Y generatoren indeholder avancerede algoritmer som er banebrydende inden for at sammenknytte inverse computational linguistics, flere omrÃ¥der af statistik, kvantefysik og endog kemi.Min doktordisputats om emnet vil snart være at finde i diverse matematiske tidsskrifter under titlen “The Quantum Probabilistic Connectivity Properties of Inverted Lingual Analytics and 17b-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one”.
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That's an apt answer to an interesting question
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that he tried smoking because he had been told that enlightenment disappeared if you smoked, and he considered an enlightenment that disappeared under such circumstances a poor thing and not worth bothering with.(Poor paraphrasing here. I’ll try and find the original quote. )
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Mr. BFS was falling for a Hyundai Santa Fe or Tucson when he “met” his Prius. He needed enough room for his teaching supplies and reffing stuff, so he was looking at smaller SUV’s before he realized that the Prius had enough room as well. His dad bought the Santa Fe 3 years ago and is very happy. :-)
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Kat – very scary, engrossing, could not stop reading because I just had to know where she was going! Yeah – all three messed me up as well!
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Ah shucks Jeanne, I didn’t mean for you to get mad. I’ll try not to whine and complain so much with my future blogs. The idea is to share with you my feelings on the adventure as well as the sights and folks I meet. Hang in there with me I hope to provide you better reading material as the adventure progresses.
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日時: 2016年12月13日 07:48
When will I ever not be on a diet so I can bake this and eat them !!!! And Joy the Baker has done some serious stuff with apples and I feel like a baking animal!!! If it wasn’t because I don’t trust myself to have a tiny piece!!!!
投稿者: car insurance | 2016年12月13日 21:51
日時: 2016年12月13日 21:51
Thank you ladies for all of your comments and stories. I will most definitely check out the site you recommended Carina. I do want to learn more about the term “free range,” as I had not heard of the term until the GMA story. I do agree with Andrea, the term has a negative ring to it and does not seem to accurately describe the parenting style. Would love to hear more from more mamas and women.
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日時: 2016年12月14日 05:57
Yay for zombie proms!!!! Yes you’d definitely need something greener for that I really like this gloss, I like the unexpected color choice, and how it looks on lips. And most of all I like that I don’t have to shell out $26 and can just use it at work I think it’s nice, but I agree with you that it’s a high price for an almost clear gloss.
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日時: 2016年12月14日 08:02
Also to add to my previous response, it depends on how you are using the word. If you are referring to one species such as a “school of fish”, fish can be used collectively, but if you are referring to several species, fishes is the correct word to use The dictionary clearly states “fish·es, verb noun – specially referring to two or more kinds or species.
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日時: 2016年12月14日 18:21
I really like this cute little card/notepad combo Kelly….very well done. I also really like how creative you were in laying out an assortment of red buttons in front of your projects before taking pictures….looks real good…your creativity in “never-ending”!
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日時: 2016年12月14日 23:40
Grazie della citazione! è stato un GRANDISSIMO piacere partecipare. Siete stati TUTTI davvero molto gentili e amichevoli. Non ho parole per ringraziarvi!! Saluti dall’Inghilterra!
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Hi Nina,Yeah, me too! There’s been so many great nail launches for summer so far. Don’t you love staring down at your toes and seeing bright colors? I love that.Anywho, what summer shades have you been loving lately? I can’t seem to get enough of Sonia Kashuk’s Making Waves:
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The show honoured the fallen at Sandy Hook Elementary in a very moving way. RIP. As for the show, I’ll be shocked, if Cassadee doesn’t win. No disrespect to Terry and Nick, but Cassadee is in another league, imho.
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“When a man has sexual intercourse with a female, certain trace minerals and prostaglandins are absorbed from the female vaginal secretions which balance this effect! Bet you didn’t know that?!”You’re essentially advocating unprotected sex, no? That can be much more unhealthy than masturbation. STD’s, unwanted pregnancy, etc.
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>> Luc Cédelle.Merci pour l’effort de réponse.Continuons à réfléchir.>> Guy Morel.Votre flèche humoristique m’a beaucoup plu, laconique, acérée, amusante. Sincèrement. C’est ce genre de retour qui rend le dialogue agréable en le dédramatisant. Ce qui ne change rien au fond des divergences, j’en reste d’accord.
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Do your due diligence before using someone else’s content online The Financial Times reports on an interesting legal dispute between British luxury fashion house Burberry and the estate of actor Humphrey Bogart that highlights the copyright minefield businesses can…
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In my opinion, a better name for this video would have been “When Anime Fandom Goes Too Far,” but everyone outside of Japan already knows about otaku and people that write horrid fan fiction. Arlong from One Piece making a cameo in this video made my night.
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Great style in writing. Some suggestions:“…my boots echoing off…” should be “…my boots echo off…”“…cool and not at all unpleasant…” uses a double negative. Just say what you mean.You have talent. I hope this book does well for you.
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I read the whole Chron article this AM, too.Your blog is very cute, and very true. Our first year in our little home, Joe built me a raised bed 10 feet by 10 feet, where I grew various vegetables, including tomatoes. The following year, Joe decided it was not worth it due to “spending $50 on redwood soil conditioner to harvest $3 worth of potatoes.”Now I have mint and many other herbs in containers, and will have to google recipes for Sunday brunch that require 1/2 pound of dill.
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Thank you so much, Daydreamer. I wrote it for flash fiction entry for ghost stories only. The never posted it. Yes, it is very sad. I didn’t realize how much so until after a few reads, so absorbed in his transition. Thank you again. I will be visiting more.~Christopher
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Enjoyed the information, and to keep all the family members straight is difficult, however, Edward IV did have an illegitimate son Arthur – his first born child. He did raise this chap, he lived in Edward IV’s household. He grew up to marry and have children of his own.. He had 3 daughters, one of them was another Elizabeth Plantagenet… they also used the Plantagenet name… All three daughter survived, and married.
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投稿者: kreditanfrage ch | 2017年01月17日 20:49
日時: 2017年01月17日 20:49
1 p.m. central. in your reverse playback, l read the transcript and l did see phrases that had personal reference, which made my jaw drop lol… peace&love Was this answer helpful?
投稿者: kredit klein zinsen | 2017年01月18日 01:21
日時: 2017年01月18日 01:21
I really want to apply with the Police Force, but I have smoked marijuana recently, but I am going to give it up to join the force. I know that drug screen you and I am going to wait till I am clean to apply, but they also polygraph test you and ask about drug use. I am afraid the won’t take me. Does anyone know what they will say about hiring if I used to smoke?
投稿者: metlife auto insurance mn | 2017年01月18日 11:54
日時: 2017年01月18日 11:54
By Rhombus December 2, 2010 - 10:32 pmThnx for all those great ideas. I’m working on a school project that required making up a newspaper name. I used a few of the ideas above but can’t decide which is better, hope someone can help me:Universal ChronicleChronicle TribuneChronicle TodayChronicle ReflectorChronicle GazetteChronicle EchoBTW, it’s about historical stuff!Thnx again!
投稿者: cars in the insurance group 4 | 2017年01月18日 19:48
日時: 2017年01月18日 19:48
Nja, jeg vet ikke helt jeg…Jeg tror noen bøker har det best nÃ¥r de plager livet av leseren. Jeg synes jeg liksom hører en ondskapsfull latter der inne ifra hver gang jeg Ã¥pner boka. Hvertfall den jeg holder pÃ¥ med nÃ¥.sukk…
投稿者: kredit von privatperson an privatperson | 2017年01月18日 23:27
日時: 2017年01月18日 23:27
Avec son pénis, non, mais avec ses hormones, certainement! Les rêves cendrillonesques c’est du conditionné (on s’attend àce qu’une fille pense de même), quand c’est le temps d’agir dans la vraie vie, ça prend le bord.
投稿者: existenzgründung hamburg | 2017年01月19日 00:51
日時: 2017年01月19日 00:51
Sawsan, I will be looking forward to the recipe when you get to it.In the meantime,I will try to find i t on my ‘travels’. I managed to get ‘exiled’ to a small town and often have to go out-of-town for interesting food…but I have to say it is finally growing here and there are newer, more exotic foods coming in.Also, with the TV chefs, people are finally trying new things.I will look for karakeesh. I love sesame.
投稿者: online kredit sofortauszahlung ohne sicherheit yucatan | 2017年01月19日 02:32
日時: 2017年01月19日 02:32
thanks. sharing = caring kan? wah! ada lagi undian utk cikgu tehr nampaknya.. mesti power teh ramuannya…Yg kawe kureng kenal tu, nanti kawe cuba check. Mesti ada sebabnya kan? kena siasat sikit…. so boleh buat edisi siasat nanti
投稿者: vorteile nachteile kreditkarte | 2017年01月19日 11:07
日時: 2017年01月19日 11:07
UxoAVv Muchos Gracias for your post.Thanks Again. Awesome.
投稿者: NY | 2018年10月12日 04:25
日時: 2018年10月12日 04:25
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投稿者: NY | 2018年10月12日 11:01
日時: 2018年10月12日 11:01